
Herring Fishery - help stop the catastrophe!

Hey Lasquetians – give the herring, salmon, eagles and us a Christmas present – send a letter to PM and Fisheries minister asking them to close the herring fishery.

joseph's picture

Off-grid Interviews

Anyone remember Phillip Vannini - here doing interviews for an academic study on off-grid life last summer?  Here's a cute video he posted:

earthhealing's picture

Clones ... Part 9 ... CLS Military Report

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

12/12/11 CLS Military Report: Most Intense Battles Dungball Quarantined Cloned Earth Found Underground Chrononauts

earthhealing's picture

Clones … Part 8

Clones Part 8

Are You a Clone?

earthhealing's picture

Clones … Part 7

Clones … Part 7

Uncover the Truth About Painful Tension

by Guy Finley

Key Lesson: All forms of tension are the negative byproduct of having become painfully identified with a false valuation of something in life.

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