
Isle & Times Trustee Note with links

Here is my article in today's Our Isle & Times, with links to the exact page that the information is on.


Tar Sands Pipelines

It has seemed odd to me that the current discussion is only about whether the proposed Northern Gateway pipeline can be built and operated in an "environmentally friendly" way.

earthhealing's picture

Who is God?

     God is an image created by the aliens; God is in no way related to the Source. Could it be that this alien God is only a reflection of Source? A reflection is an opposite! The God we are taught to believe in does playful mental exercises to entertain itself and other people. This is called duality; polarity. Back and forth, bouncing energy between the two sides.

Islands Trust mapping tool available

The Islands Trust has recently made available a mapping tool that allows use of their maps and property and ecological information by the public - or at least the public with access to computers and the internet.

It's called MapIT and is located at

earthhealing's picture

What is Ascension?

     The earth spirit has been gone from our planet for several months. Source is retaining the earth in position with place holders while the earth is out preparing for his pre-ascension. Yes, it isn’t a typo. Earth is a “he”. Without the earth spirit energy present it is interesting to notice that nature looks plastic. A calmness is evident on the earth.

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