
Islands Trust mapping tool available

The Islands Trust has recently made available a mapping tool that allows use of their maps and property and ecological information by the public - or at least the public with access to computers and the internet.

It's called MapIT and is located at

earthhealing's picture

What is Ascension?

     The earth spirit has been gone from our planet for several months. Source is retaining the earth in position with place holders while the earth is out preparing for his pre-ascension. Yes, it isn’t a typo. Earth is a “he”. Without the earth spirit energy present it is interesting to notice that nature looks plastic. A calmness is evident on the earth.

Islands Trust budget available Wednesday; input wanted

The Islands Trust proposed budget for 2012-13 will be available on Wednesday, Jamuary 25th. The Islands Trust Council is asking for public input and comment.

earthhealing's picture

The New Age Movement and Ascension

     There are so many of us striving to be spiritual. The governments started the new age movement in the 1940s to wrap around and guide our newly emerging consciousness in a direction where we could be more easily controlled. Even the aliens know the ascension happens every 2000 years.

Advisory Planning Commission - request for Expressions of Interest

Here is the official notice.  If you are interested in serving on the Advisory Planning Commission (APC), you can contact Linda directly, or send an email to Susan and/or me. If you'd like more information, contact one of us, or Linda.

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