
joseph's picture

Eco-justice scores a win for Orcas

I've been supporting Eco-justice, formally Sierra Legal Defense Fund, for nearly 2 decades.  I've been consistently impressed by the results these folks get by using our legal system to force corporations and governments to play by the rules.

Islands Trust Budget Comments & Policy Statement Review

Islands Trust Budget comments

Friday noon is the deadline to submit your comments on the proposed Islands Trust 2012-13 budget in time for the Financial Planning Committee to consider them.

earthhealing's picture

Lies Have Become the Accepted Norm

Humanity has listened in dismay seemingly forever as promises are endlessly made to us and not kept. After the destruction of Atlantis, agreements were made for our well being that were directly contravened by our Atlantian cousins that were determined to turn us into a slave race. The truth is never easy to hear when lies have become the accepted norm.

Yellow Flag Iris

That beautiful iris is actually invasive. If you want to know more:



Take photos with your iPhone?

If you have a smartphone that has GPS location capability (most do) AND you take pictures with that phone, the potential is there for a fairly significant privacy issue... have a look:

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