Peter Johnston's blog

draft minutes of 2023 LIAS annual general meeting

Lasqueti Internet Access Society LIAS

AGM, JULY 16, 2023

Lasqueti Community Hall, 11 am

Call to order 11:02 am , directors Dennis Bergen, Camino Cochrane , Mike Purdey , Kathy Rogers and 30 plus LIAS MEMBERS present


Canada committed to wellbeing?

I was surprised to read in the Guardian Weekly, in article saying that the now-opposition Labour party, likely to become UK government soon, could lead the world in policies based on wellbeing, that "Countries including New Zealand, Canada and Finland have committed to being wellbeing governments" ..."

Ferry committee blog & our letter to BCFerries

The ferry committee members are Shelley Garside (chair), Sue Kristinsson, Andrew Fall, Tim Peterson, Ezra Auerbach, Jana Vannan and Peter Johnston.

Letters are posted in chronological order. There are now 3 letters, Sept 1 at the top, then Oct 12 and Nov 21 at the bottom.


September 1

Directive Policies from current and proposed Trust Policy Statement

Islands Trust Policy Statement  Directives Policies

from the current Policy Statement, which is at

answer to question about post office

When the vaccine mandates are lifted here in BC, does Carolyn get her job back?

Does everyone who lost their jobs because of the forced decision, get their jobs back?


Here's my response:

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