earthhealing's blog

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Difficult Encounters

We are trained to avoid confrontation and most of us abhor a scene. When there is conflict, there can be a very uncomfortable feeling left in our bodies. It is so much easier to be absent or stay quiet - to withdraw and disappear so you don't have to face difficulty.

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How Unhealthy is Fear?

How unhealthy is fear

"How far do we go into observing the dark side before it becomes unhealthy for us?"

Continue on if you are mind-boggled with what's going on in the world

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Architects of the Plandemic


by James Grundvig

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 Military Insider Interview: SPECIAL OPS REVEALED [DS] Hidden Secrets Pt 2

THIS is the SECOND PART of the TELL ALL Documentary you've been waiting to see! 

Watch Part One FIRST, before watching this, because it will make MUCH more sense if you do (see link just below here).  #Qurious #SECRETS #TakeTheOATH and #EnjoyTheShow -

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Nanobots in Your Body?

If you have interest in simple ways to undo the effectiveness of the nano materials that have been institutionalized into the environment, so that we can be controlled in our thinking and actions remotely, read on.

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