The New Age Movement and Ascension

earthhealing's picture

     There are so many of us striving to be spiritual. The governments started the new age movement in the 1940s to wrap around and guide our newly emerging consciousness in a direction where we could be more easily controlled. Even the aliens know the ascension happens every 2000 years. These parasitic elite have been guiding our minds so that they can again easily attract us into a parallel reality where we think we have ascended, because it meets all the criteria we have been told it should have. Look at the development of positive consciousness. Think positively and you can have what you want. Great; … off into another parallel universe where good things are promised. It is well to realize that we may need to re-grow some positive neural networks by using positive thinking until these networks are larger and stronger than the negative pathways we have developed; thanks to the alien agenda we have been living in. That is the only constructive use I can see for positive energy.

     I know I say that light is neutral, neither positive nor negative. We have allowed ourselves to slip so far into the parasitic alien mind control programs that we need to use and reverse some of their techniques to support our growth. Here is where Ron Amitron can reinforce our movement into wholeness, by bringing light into these areas and removing parasitic energies, most of them alien.

     2000 years ago when Jesus was here on the Creation Lightship assisting us to move into ascension, very few people listened and actually did move into full consciousness. The earth elected to stay behind and not ascend because she was hopeful that if she stayed, humanity would quickly learn the benefits of full consciousness in time for this coming ascension. Did it happen? This time extension attracted even more dark beings from the darkest corners of space. The earth has become known as a stronghold for the alien parasites and more and more aliens have congregated here, using their invisible energetic bodies to suck out our energy and eventually kill us. With the help of the Anunnaki, the mind control boss, they intensified and broadened their strategy for usurping our energy and got themselves into every little corner they had missed before. We fell for it, until now. They’ve stolen everything from us but our hearts and our hearts are waking up!

     The Creative Force is winning. The dark forces have no idea of the power of the light. They have maintained their stranglehold on us for so long that they consider the Light weak. Behind the scenes the ascended masters have made deep contacts with allies on the earth. Together they are directly influencing new programs to develop new ways of government. Right now the power of the parasitic elite is imploding upon itself and a new structure for society is attempting to emerge. Go to the







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