
joseph's picture

Debunking Dr. Meehan

We were recently asked to read "An Evidence Based Scientific Analysis of Why Masks are Ineffective, Unnecessary, and Harmful" by a Dr. Meehan.

I like "evidence based scientific analysis", and don't enjoy wearing a mask much, so I had a look a that blog post from Dr. Meehan, hoping to learn something about mask effectiveness

joseph's picture

Debunking the Liberty Alliance

We were recently treated to some "good news" from the Liberty Coalition.

Lasqueti's Coast Salish name

In several Coast Salish Indigenous languages in BC, Lasqueti's name is  Xweh et tay, meaning "yew tree".  

jennifer apedaile's picture

grief ceremony offering ( making time and space to honour the grief we carry)

Hello good folks reading this.

I began by introducing myself and this ceremony through the Lasqueti list… my hope is that this extension of that writing helps to inform any person who is curious about the grief ceremony… to be able to make a more informed decision about whether they would like to participate.

earthhealing's picture

Difficult Encounters

We are trained to avoid confrontation and most of us abhor a scene. When there is conflict, there can be a very uncomfortable feeling left in our bodies. It is so much easier to be absent or stay quiet - to withdraw and disappear so you don't have to face difficulty.

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