
bike's picture

Truckers continue peaceful demonstration; Trudeau and MainStreamMedia attempt Coup d'etat; CCLA slams invocation; hacker exposed

Monday morning before Trudeau and Freeland initiated the Emergency Act, The Honourable Brian Peckford and Tamara Lich held a Press Conference in Ottawa.

bike's picture

Huge Health Debate in Ottawa Friday, Feb 11 @ 12:45pm

Updated Friday @ 10am:


Dear TBOF Members:

Two Very Exciting Announcements

1.    THIS WEEK’S LIVE WEBCAST SPECIAL:  As previously announced, our TBOF Webcast this week features a panel discussion of world class scientists and doctors, discussing both sides of the C-19 Topic.

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Where does this end?

On Wed, Feb 2., a community member sent a private message encouraging others to "flood the lasqueti list"  with messages in order to "make it cumbersome" to moderate list traffic.

I have been trying to let this incident go, but seems some, at least, refuse to see this act for what it is:

bike's picture

PM in hiding as Ottawa fills up with Freedom

The Truckers are doing what most of the rest of us have been too afraid to do: peacefully unite the country and show the world that our Rights and Freedoms will not be taken away.  People of all backgrounds (racial, gender, language, medical, location) have shown what love and unity will do!

Paper on COVID and culture

Of everything we've read, we've found that this paper gets to the heart of the conflict.

We'd encourage everyone to consider what it says.



David & Laura

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