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Stop Fox News North


Our lovely Prime Minister is trying to bring us a Canadian edition of Fox News, supported by cable tv fees.

He's now trying to oust the CRTC chair who is standing in his way.

Please look into this and consider signing this petition:

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Google shuts Microsoft out!

This is pretty big news.  Not terribly surprising to those of us who have had to provide support for Microsofts buggy, insecure software, but a big move and a fairly damning blow to Microsoft.

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Wa Na Bei Marimba Players

Don and Josie ran a Marimba workshop series last Fall.  The marimba music is infectious and Don and Josie are wonderful, patient instructors.  The capstone was a performance of two pieces at Grub and Groove in Dec.  Here are a few video excerpts from that performance:

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Symphony of Science

Symphony of Science - 'We Are All Connected'

(ft. Sagan, Feynman, deGrasse Tyson & Bill Nye)

Chocolates, food and electric cars

Well, I was lucky enough to be able to take some photographs of Deb's chocolates and eat the props.  The lavendar chocolate is to die for - heads up for all those people looking to score some bonus points on Valentines Day as this is at least 150 points, per chocolate.

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