
joseph's picture

To HST or not to HST - that's the question?

There are lots of reasons to object to the way the HST was brought in, the lies we were told by the Fiberals, and the general lack of regard they have displayed towards the voters of BC.  But is it bad for BC??

joseph's picture

Why I quit my job...

Well, I didn't quit my job, but Kai Nagata from CTV news recently did, and his story about the state of Canada's private and public media that precipitated a major life change for him is really worth reading:

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Puyehue-Cordon Caulle Volcano

Check out these photos...
Puyehue-Cordon Caulle from
Full resolution and more photos:

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Just for fun...

Wordle is a website that creates customizable "wordclouds" from any text.

I created one from an IPCC GHG Waste manual (hey - it's what I was working on :-) - came out kind of cool:

Try it - copy and paste some favourite text (short or long) below and create your own:

joseph's picture

Raven Coal Mine

The Public Comment period to voice your opinion on the Raven Coal mine at Fanny Bay is now!

Please write and help spread the word about this brief time to get informed and respond to this very local carbon increasing dirty energy project.

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