
iPhone social application 'Path' under fire for uploading users' address books

A couple of weeks ago the iPhone social application Path was under fire because it was discovered that they've been uploading users' address books onto their servers without asking or telling them. Subsequently it's been revealed that this is a common practice across the entire industry:

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Stop Spying

The CON artists are up to no good again, with proposed legislation modeled on the scary Patriot Act in the US.  Rallying behind a favourite fear-mongers cry of "protect the children", they attempt to deprive us of basic civil privacies.

joseph's picture

Eco-justice scores a win for Orcas

I've been supporting Eco-justice, formally Sierra Legal Defense Fund, for nearly 2 decades.  I've been consistently impressed by the results these folks get by using our legal system to force corporations and governments to play by the rules.

Islands Trust Budget Comments & Policy Statement Review

Islands Trust Budget comments

Friday noon is the deadline to submit your comments on the proposed Islands Trust 2012-13 budget in time for the Financial Planning Committee to consider them.

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