
A message to the Community

I receive messages through the website from folks all over the world making a re-/connection with Lasqueti.  Here's one that is clearly intended to go out to the whole community...

joseph's picture

Locked up on Lasqueti

On page 4 in this week's Island Tides newspaper (Oct. 18-31), a Lasquetian "Asks Eileen" about locking doors.  Her response is such a perfect elucidation of the freedoms of living lock-free - recommended reading!

urgent - stand against China Canada buy out

Hi all,

This could go into effect by Nov 1st!

joseph's picture

Urgent action needed to Stop FIPA

Mr. Harper is completely selling out Canada, behind closed doors, with no parliamentary debate.  He is poised to sign a trade deal with China as big as NAFTA - developed behind closed doors and in secret for years, details of this deal only emerged a few weeks ago!!

Scientists: New GMO wheat may 'silence' vital human genes

Australian scientists are expressing grave concerns over a new type of genetically engineered wheat that may cause major health problems for people that consume it.
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