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NESARA Desperately Floundering to Become Visible

NESARA is franticly trying to appear on earth right now. For the last two decades the grassroots secret underground societies have been putting structure in place trying to make it manifest. For 1000s of years the dark parasites have been influencing our lives to keep us unaware of the devious ways that they have regularly designed to keep things going in their favor.

Map 3 - Shoreline Values & Vulnerability

Here are photos of Map 3

Shoreline Map 2 - Energy & Sediment Movement

Here are photos of map 2

Shoreline Map 1 - Distribution of Shoreline Types

Here are photos of the first of three maps of the Lasqueti shoreline to be shown and explained at the workshop at the Arts Centre on Thursday.  Everyone welcome

message from another Pacific Islander

I rec'd this message, but just opened it. I thought you might find it inspiring to read this message from another pacific islander:



Malo ni!

My name is Mikaele Maiava. I'm writing from the Pacific Island archipelago of Tokelau to ask you to join with us in action as we take on the fossil fuel industry.

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