
Shoreline Map 1 - Distribution of Shoreline Types

Here are photos of the first of three maps of the Lasqueti shoreline to be shown and explained at the workshop at the Arts Centre on Thursday.  Everyone welcome

message from another Pacific Islander

I rec'd this message, but just opened it. I thought you might find it inspiring to read this message from another pacific islander:



Malo ni!

My name is Mikaele Maiava. I'm writing from the Pacific Island archipelago of Tokelau to ask you to join with us in action as we take on the fossil fuel industry.

earthhealing's picture

Drama Trauma Part l & ll

Drama Trauma Part l

Age of the Sociopath: By Derrick Jensen

Age of the Sociopath

earthhealing's picture

The Last Hurrah!

Because the dark and its parasitic minions are still running around trying to squeeze money out of any place they can, it has become extremely obvious to all of us attempting to help manifest a peaceful solution to the world’s problems, that the dark has absolutely no intention of ever abiding by any agreement they have made with us, or ever co-operating with us, despite their many agreem

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