
Eddie's picture

Fall Fair singing - "As the Earth"

At the Fall Fair after dinner, my friends and I sang a song commemorating the change of seasons. Many others of those present joined us in the choruses.

Study shows Fracking contaminates 82% of nearby Drinking Water, August 5, 2013

Study shows Fracking contaminates 82% of nearby Drinking Water

Six LNG plants planned so for for BC's coast

Sixth LNG export application filed in British Columbia

TransCanada Caught Training Police to Treat Peaceful Anti-Keystone XL Activists as “Terrorists”

June 12, 2013

Contact: Ron Seifert, Tar Sands Blockade, 940-268-5375, kxlblockade [at] gmail [dot] com

earthhealing's picture

When Disclosure Serves Secrecy

This timely paper was written by Dr.Steven Greer in 1999 when he was about to brief the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency)  Director.  If you are interested in Disclosure this is a "must read" as you need to know the potential of Disclosure : both the positive and the negative.

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