Caravan to Wet'suwet'en pipeline protest camp July 10-14

Thought I'd put this out there and see if anyone else wants to come along:)

Get on the bus for the Summer Action Camp

Camp dates: July 10-14. Caravan leaves Victoria & Vancouver July 8, returns July 15.

In August 2012, Forest Action Network sponsored the first caravan to the Unis'tot'en Camp. We brought 100 volunteers and tons of food and supplies to help build the cabins and outbuildings. This summer, we're doing it again. The people of the land are calling for volunteers and donations to stop unethical pipeline companies before they do more damage.

Indigenous leaders from Unis'tot'en and other clans are refusing access to pipeline crews for the Enbridge Northern Gateway, Coastal Gas and Pacific Trail pipelines. This spring, they are expanding the defense of their land with traditional pithouses on the Wedzin Kwah (Morice River) in the path of the pipelines. Sign up now for the summer action camp.

Members of the Wet'suwe'ten First Nation are turning away pipeline workers and surveyors trying to start work on the pipelines. The intruders have been warned about trespassing on unceded land. The Unis'tot'en people are supported by their neighbours in the Likhts’amisyu Clan, the Gidem'ten Clan and other indigenous and non-indigenous allies.


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