Post a Discussion Item

Basic Instructions for using the forums:

The forum provides some very powerful tools, but the basics are easy to use once you get the hang of it.  The best advice I can offer is to just dive in - but here are some basic tips to keep in mind:

Log in:

  • To prevent inappropriate anonymous postings, most  forums requires you to be logged in to post.  Logging in is easy, and when you've done it once, your browser will remember and keep you logged in to the site automatically.
  • Logging in changes your "role" from an anonymous user to a known person, and allows the site to provide you with a suite of enhanced capabilities and to remember and user your preferences and saved settings.
  • If you do not have an account, you may only post messages in the Message Board forum.

Using the right tool:

The website provides a host of ways for you to get your message out:

  • Classified Ads allow you to post a small ad (e.g., for sale, for free, ride share, food stuff, rentals, jobs, etc.)
  • The Events Calendar allows you to announce an event (e.g., a concert, meeting, dance class, market, etc.)
  • Your Personal Blog provides you with a personal journal for sharing your poems, insights, or ramblings on any topic.
  • In addition, you could become a contributor to a page, story, or book on the website.

The discussion forums are most useful for starting and holding an on-going discussion!


  • Each forum is a broad discussion around a particular subject - it will help everybody stay sane if you try to post your messages in the appropriate forum!
  • Each forum is further divided into a list of "Topics", which represent a "new idea"  or a specific thread in the discussion.  If you want to start a new thread of discussion, use the "Post New Topic" link.
  • Each Topic then may have a series of  "replies" or comments, related to that topic.  If you want to join an existing discussion, use the "reply" link below the posting you want to address.


There are several ways to navigate through a discussion:

  • messages are arranged hierarchically, starting at the main Forums page.
  • Simply click through to find messages on topics you want.
  • when you are reading a topic, there will be links at the bottom of the page to take you to the previous and next topic in the discussion.
  • recent posts will summarize all of the recent activity on the message board.

Posting a Message:

  • Select "Post New Topic"  or "reply" to an existing message.
  • Give your message a meaningful Title so people can see at a glance what it will be about.
  • Select the appropriate Forum for your message.
  • Type your message Body - using the built-in editor.
  • Press "Submit" to post it to the forum

That covers the basics - but if you want to get the most out of these forums, have a look at the next Topic in this forum.