The LCA was established in 1971 and incorporated as a charitable organization in 1978.   The purpose of the organization is simple: “to promote community development.” An annual general meeting is held in the spring, usually early May. Anyone who either owns property on Lasqueti or has lived here for a...

Naked Naturals is a health food store located in Parksville.  They carry a wide range of natural and organic produce, staples, dairy, and other products.

You can order groceries by phone before 6pm Wednesday, for delivery on the 9:45am Thursday ferry.
A $9.99 shop-and-deliver charge applies per order...

Historic off-grid vacation home located on beautiful Lasqueti Island

phone: 250-240-2704

For more info see:


Dianne McClure  offers her time to Lasqueti Island residents once a week, usually Thursdays from 11:00am to 3:00pm. Her schedule is posted in Our Isle & Times, on the Post Office door, and on the...

Lasqueti Propane Services

"For all your propane needs on the island"

Ellen Kristinsson:  250-954-5445
or Craig: 250-240-1605

Hours: Fridays 1:00pm - 3:00pm

Update Oct 31st 2018: The Waste Management Committee is back. We are now called the Lasqueti Island Solid Waste Plan Monitoring and Advisory Committee, or LIPMAC. Members are Dave O. (chair), Brigitte D. (recorder), and David H..


Makeke Marimba is a vibrant, energetic dance band from Lasqueti Island, B.C..  Our music is inspired by the Shona tradition of Zimbabwe. The music is based on ancient melodies and poly-rhythms originally played on mbira (elaborate wood and metal thumb pianos).

Specialzing in using local, natural and recycled materials, we are a collective of builders that can be hired to build with you or for you, to create whatever your heart desires. We are experienced in building everything from cob cabins, ovens and benches to installing natural insulation, earthen wall plasters and cob floors in any...

Lasqueti Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Plan.

Last summer I organized a Think Tank of 15 Lasqueti community members to work together to think through the following questions:

How are the impacts of climate change going to affect us here on Lasqueti?

And what can we do to prepare for...

Lasqueti Island lies in the Georgia Strait, north of French Creek (on Vancouver Island), and southwest of Texada Island. It is approximately 8 km wide and 22 km long, with an area of 73.56 km2. About 425 permanent residents call Lasqueti home (2011 census). It is accessible by foot passenger ferry service only, or by private boat or plane.

Welcome to Bonnie's Farm, Bed & Breakfast

"Beautifully finished with rustic charm, set in an idyllic landscape.  The perfect spot for a serene and peaceful get-away."

Contact Bonnie at: (250) 333-8744

Find peace and tranquility at Moonshell Bay B&B

"A serene oceanfront guest room, ideal for someone to reacquaint with nature, read, or simply reboot your spirit."

Contact Us to book your stay.

For more information, see:...

"Daring Sky Solar is a Lasqueti-based renewable energy supplier. We are dedicated to providing cost-effective, efficient, and elegant solutions to Lasqueti's various energy needs."

Contact Daniel Jacobs
By phone at: (250) 333-8520
Or via...

Approximately 30 students from Kindergarten to grade 12 are enrolled in False Bay School. Kindergarten to grade 8 students are in two classes, primary and intermediate rooms while secondary students from grades 9-12 participate in Individual Secondary Program (ISP) in conjunction with North Island Distance Education School.

Marine Safety Training

Captain Harry Johnston
nawashmarine [at] gmail [dot] com

The Lasqueti Island Post Office
General Delivery
V0R 2J0


"Nestled between two beaches of pebble and sand, E-Den is an idyllic resting place for your Lasqueti adventure"

Please contact us at edenlasqueti [at] gmail [dot] com or 250-333-8587 




Pacific Seaplanes Inc.

We are pleased to advise that we will begin offering services from Nanaimo Harbour to Lasqueti Island April 15th onwards. Times TBA.

The Islands Trust is a federation of independent local governments, which plans land use and regulates development in the trust area.  The Lasqueti Local Trust Committee is responsible for Lasqueti and the surrounding small islands.

Lasqueti HAS a history....

There is evidence of human habitation stretching back thousands of years - fortunately, we have a resident archaeolgist who has been documenting Lasqueti's  Archaeological Heritage