The ferry runs from French Creek Harbour on Vancouver Island to False Bay on Lasqueti Island. Pay parking is available at the marina. The trip takes from 50 minutes to over an hour (in rough waters). Passengers and freight only - no cars!
Lasqueti is quite sparsely populated and lies in a rare ecosystem type - the Coastal Douglas Fir zone. Our famous herds of feral sheep, along with the unique history of settlement have resulted in an ecology and natural environment with its own character.
The LCA was established in 1971 and incorporated as a charitable organization in 1978. The purpose of the organization is simple: “to promote community development.” An annual general meeting is held in the spring, usually early May. Anyone who either owns property on Lasqueti or has lived here for a...
What's new - check out the newly installed debris barrier at the lake (attachment # 19)
Pete's Lake Water Users Society has been providing water via gravity-fed pipelines from Pete's Lake to its members at the north end of Lasqueti Island since 1987.
Island Link
Express Shuttle-bus service between points on the Mainland and Vancouver Island
1-250-954-8257 or 1-604-970-4990
LIRA was formed to represent the interests of property owners on Lasqueti Island.
When an issue affecting Lasqueti arises, LIRA provides the platform to give ratepayers a voice in the discussion. When there is not much to discuss, we're off doing other things!
Wesley Yule : Royal LePage Parksville-Qualicum Beach Realty
My clients take comfort from my wealth of knowledge in all aspects of homeownership and my passion for valuable, meaningful communication. I ensure all of my clients get into their dream homes, or are delighted with the sale of their home.
Once upon a time I worked at the Free Store and Recycling Center. It was an interesting, sociable, and gross job which caused me to despair for the world at the same time as it provided me with treasure. Back then, I fantasized about having time to write inspiring, informative pieces about work in the waste stream on a remote and inconvenient...