Regarding COVID-19

There are many sources of information on COVID-19 so I will keep it brief.

The best ways to prevent the spread of the virus is by social distancing and for thorough and frequent hand washing. Also avoid touching your face.

The best way to prevent spread is for the person with symptoms to socially isolate and wear a mask when in the presence of others. Do not come into the Judith Fisher Health Centre before discussing with myself or another health care provider.

We have just received an update on testing today in this area and testing for COVID-19 is being restricted to those severe symptoms (primarily difficulty breathing).

I am unable to test on island.

If you are concerned please feel free to contact myself (250-240-5712) or your family doctor's office.

Best, Dianne

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Dianne McClure  offers her time to Lasqueti Island residents once a week, usually Thursdays from 11:00am to 3:00pm. Her schedule is posted in Our Isle & Times, on the Post Office door, and on the ferry bulletin board. Drop-ins are welcome during those hours. Her clinic is located at the Judith Fisher Centre.  Home visits or phone consultations can be made by arrangement.


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