Nia on Lasqueti! Community Hall
Come and join in some Nia movement magic at the Lasqueti Community Hall!
Cost is $10/class and drop ins are always welcome.
What is Nia? Technically speaking Nia is a sensory based movement practice. Nia combines nine classic movement techniques: three from the dance arts; Modern, Jazz and Duncan Dance, three from the martial arts; Aikido, Tae Kwon Do and Tai Chi and three from the healing arts; Alexander Technique, Feldenkrais method and Yoga.
Nia is danced traditionally barefoot and to music carefully chosen to stimulate and inspire.
Putting the combination of these nine movement practices to music makes a complete mind, body, emotion and spirit fitness class.
Nia is designed to help you move in "your bodies way" which makes it a fitness class that every"body" can enjoy.
The body is designed to move and the balance of Nia is a beautiful way to keep the whole body flexible, agile, mobile, stable and strong.
Nia is the joy of movement! Love your body, love your life!
For further information contact Tristin Campbell at 250-333-8799 or email mamania1234 [at] yahoo [dot] ca.
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