Isle & Times Trustee Note with links

Here is my article in today's Our Isle & Times, with links to the exact page that the information is on.


Islands Trust budget - Islands Trust has posted a summary of its proposed budget on the web site at 

There is other information available on the budget web page:

Trust Council would like too hear what you think of the proposed budget, and specifically, has the right balance been struck between the need for services and the need to keep taxes in line? They also ask for your input on the new trustee remuneration schedule. There are reports available at

Comments can be sent by email to         budget2012 [at] islandstrust [dot] bc [dot] ca (budget2012 [at] islandstrust [dot] bc [dot] ca)
By mail or fax to: Budget 2012 Islands Trust Council Attention: Treasurer
200 – 1627 Fort Street Victoria, BC, V8R 1H8                      FAX: (250) 405-5155

Comments received before noon on Friday, February 10 will be considered by the Financial Planning Committee before they make their final recommendation to Trust Council. Comments received before noon on Thursday, March 1 will be considered by Trust Council.  Complete details on public comments are available at:

I've posted printed copies of the Budget Summary document and the We'd like to hear from you document at the post office and the community hall.

Advisory Planning Commission - If you are willing to serve as a member of this important committee, please send your expression of interest before 4:30pm on Thursday, March 8 by fax at 250-247-7514 or by e-mail to lprowse [at] islandstrust [dot] bc [dot] ca (lprowse [at] islandstrust [dot] bc [dot] ca), or by regular mail to:
Attention: Linda Prowse, Planner, Lasqueti Island
Islands Trust Northern Office
700 North Road Gabriola Island, BC VOR 1X3

Lasqueti Trust Committee meeting will be held at the Arts Centre on Thursday, March 15, starting at 11am.  The agenda will be posted on the Islands Trust web site, and at the Community Hall & Post Office. Full agenda package will be on the web site, and at the meeting.  The public is welcome.

Trust Council meeting is on Gabriola Island on March 6-8. Agenda and agenda package will be posted on the web site, and the public are welcome to attend. There is also an opportunity to make a presentation to Trust Council. See the website for more information about the meeting and tips for successful delegations. Please write to Marie Smith at msmith [at] islandstrust [dot] bc [dot] ca (msmith [at] islandstrust [dot] bc [dot] ca) 200 – 1627 Fort Street, Victoria, BC, V8R 1H8      FAX: (250) 405-5155  before Wednesday, February 15 to request a delegation appointment.

Derelict boats - I have passed on a list of Lasqueti derelict boats that were reported to me, including their locations and several photographs.  There seems to be a similar situation with boats as there is with vehicles on Lasqueti - no body has the authority or the facilities or the money to deal with them. Local governments are beginning to push senior governments to do something. In the meantime, we can wait patiently, and do what we can to have the owners of these boats deal with them properly. I'm trying to find out what a responsible, willing owner should do with an unwanted boat.

Communication directly with the Lasqueti Trust Committee or Trust Council as a whole is the most effective way to be sure your concerns are heard, but please feel free to contact one (or both) of your local trustees with questions or suggestions. Please consider volunteering for the Lasqueti Advisory Planning Commission.


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