NATEP Open House

Event Date: 
Friday, March 18, 2011 - 11:30am - 1:30pm


On Friday, March 18th, Nuala Murphy of the Islands Trust Fund will be on Lasqueti Island to explain NAPTEP (the Natural Area Protection Tax Exemption Program).   The NAPTEP Open House will be at the Lasqueti Island Arts Centre from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. It will provide information about an innovative money-saving conservation tool for land owners.  All are welcome to enjoy light refreshments and ask questions about this incentive program and other private land conservation options.

NAPTEP is a voluntary program that rewards conservation-minded landowners with an annual 65% property tax reduction on portions of their land protected by a conservation covenant.  By registering a covenant with the Islands Trust Fund - the Islands Trust's in-house land conservancy - the natural features on privately-owned land will be protected forever, no matter who owns it in the future.

NAPTEP is now open to property owners on the following islands: Lasqueti, Bull, Circle, Higgins, Jelina, Jenkins, Lindbergh, Marine, Olsen, Rabbit, Sangster, and Wolf.

Nuala Murphy will also be available on the following Saturday, March 19th to visit landowners interested in NAPTEP on their property.  If you are interested in making an appointment for a property visit, contact the Islands Trust Fund at 250-405-5186 (Victoria) or toll free through Enquiry BC at 1-800-663-7867 (604-660-2421 in Vancouver); appointments will be limited.

To learn more about how NAPTEP could help you protect natural features on your land, please visit the Islands Trust Fund online at

This news is related to...: 

Islands Trust

The Islands Trust is a federation of independent local governments, which plans land use and regulates development in the trust area.  The Lasqueti Local Trust Committee is responsible for Lasqueti and the surrounding small islands.



The workshop is being held at the Arts Centre

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