
bullfrogs, thistles and spurge laurel

I was out for a walk this morning and noticed that someone has cut the tops of the thistles all along the road near our place. Thank you! Cutting the flowers and stopping them from spreading at this time of year is helpful to keep these invasive plants from taking over.

Deleted Islands

We can all write letters like this. If they get enough of them, they might think twice!


- Oil, Gas and Alternate Energy Division, Environment and Climate Change Canada

 - Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

 - Environment Minister Catherine McKenna,

MP: Gord Johns (Courtenay—Alberni)


French Creek Harbour News October 2015

The Harbour is hiring, there are two vacancies open for full and part time work. More information about the openings can be found search for French Creek and the posting will display. There’s a job description posted on the Harbour Office door as well.

joseph's picture

Vote Together

Sheila started an interesting discussion about vote splitting.

I want to continue that thread by recommending to anyone who will be voting ABC (Anything But Conservative) in the coming election to get detailed strategic voting information from the Vote Together website, so we can avoid vote splitting and defeat Harper.

Green Party info

This information was in response to my email asking about vote splitting. 


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