
notes from the Food Security Hui held Jan 19th 2019

Big thanks to everyone who came out to the hui!  We had a great turnout and some good discussion.  Here's some of what came up:


Land Share:

earthhealing's picture

The Star of Divine Governance

This is a call to action. Humanity is blazing Light into every little piece of government on earth, December 12 at 2pm PT and continuing for every day left in December.

I’m speaking to those of us born in old energy and now opening to the new frequencies bathing our universe.

Elizabeth May's Call to Action in Emergency IPCC report meeting in House of Commons

Elizabeth May’s Statement to the House of Commons during the Emergency Debate on the report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
October 15, 2018

Mr. Speaker, it is an honour to stand here today and I acknowledge we are on the traditional territory of the Algonquin peoples. To them I say meegwetch.

earthhealing's picture

Seeking Balance Wheel Ceremony

Lasqueti’s Seeking Balance Wheel is Saturday October 13th,
444 Rat Portage Road from 1-3pm PT.


Question 6 from David & Laura re: most significant Regional District issue

Below is a response to one of 6 questions posed by David and Laura Slik on the email list on Oct 7, 2018.


Question 6. What is the most significant challenge you see us facing in the next four years?


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