Resilient Community Evacuation Workshop

qathetRD's picture
Event Date: 
Saturday, April 6, 2024 - 10:00am - 1:00pm

Get Ready, Stay Ready!

Join us on April 6, 2024 at the Community Hall from 10 am to 1pm for a hands-on emergency evacuation planning experience with mapping and evacuation route scenarios, interactive demonstrations within the Evacuation Supply Container and practical emergency preparedness information.

Designed for community members, organizations, and first responders.

Learn about our Regional Emergency Preparedness Program and examine
the evacuation supply container.

Snacks and refreshments will be provided.

Registration is required.

Contact the qRD Evacuation Planning
Assistant at epa [dot] qrd [at] gmail [dot] com
or call 250.267.8621 to Register.

Register early as spaces are limited.


Learn more at

This news is related to...: 

Regional District

Lasqueti Island is part of the qathet Regional District. A regional district is set up to provide different services in different areas according to the needs and desires of each area’s residents and property owners. Only those who receive the service pay for it.


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