July 27, 2023 qathet Regional District Launches public engagement process for 2024 Budget and Five-Year Financial Plan

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qathet region, BC — At the July 26, 2023 qathet Regional District (qRD) Board Meeting, the Regional Board approved a public engagement process to improve transparency in the annual development of the budget and Five-Year Financial Plan.

Every year, the qRD develops a Five-Year Financial Plan to fund services and programs to residents and visitors now and in the future. The Financial Plan in informed by the Strategic Plan, Electoral Area Official Community Plans, work plans, input from advisory committees, Directors and staff and feedback from community groups and members of the public. Our financial planning processes are designed to provide funding to operate each service while also reducing the risk of significant fluctuations in taxation levels from year to year.

“Regional districts, unlike municipalities, do not have a single tax rate,” said Manager of Financial Services, Linda Greenan. “The qRD provides more than 40 individual services throughout the region. These distinct services are paid for by different formations of taxpayers. Each service has its own budget, and all assets, income, expenses, reserves, surpluses, and deficits are kept within that service.”

“As taxpayers, we can see the qRD’s Financial Plan at work every day,” said Regional Board Chair, Clay Brander. “While the services we offer differ depending on the area you live in, be it the City or one of our five Electoral Areas, your tax dollars contribute to your and your neighbour’s everyday needs. These can range from solid waste management, fire protection services, regional park maintenance and in select areas, the provision of quality drinking water and sewer services. This is why it is so important to share your feedback on the financial planning process.”

How You Can Get Involved:

The qRD is seeing community feedback on the financial planning process to better understand how communication might be improved. The public is invited to share their comments by responding to a short survey from August 1 – September 30, 2023. Paper copies are available at the qRD main office located at #202-4675 Marine Avenue upon request. To access the survey, please visit qathet.ca/2024-budget.

The public is encouraged to attend any of the upcoming budget meetings to ask questions about the 2024 Budget and Five-Year Financial Plan. A detailed timeline of upcoming budget meetings and information about the proposed 2024-2028 financial plan are available at qathet.ca/2024-budget.

About the qathet Regional District:

The qathet Regional District serves the rural electoral areas from Lund to Saltery Bay, the City of Powell River, Texada, Savary and Lasqueti Islands and provides some services, through contract, to Tla’amin Nation. To learn more please visit qathet.ca.


Linda Greenan, Manager of Financial Services

#202-4675 Marine Avenue, Powell River, BC V8A 2L2

finance [at] qathet [dot] ca | (604) 485-2260


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