French Creek Car Sharing Survey Results

Survey Participation


We had a total of 62 responses. Considering our full-time population on Lasqueti, we think this is a notable result, as it represents roughly a 10% response rate. Not all respondents are full-timers, though, so this statement is purely based on the raw numbers. Nonetheless, we think it does say something about the level of interest in finding more efficient and sustainable ways of dealing with the presence and availability of vehicles on the other side.


Enough respondents provided us with their contact details to enable us to bring together ~ 20 people who have stated that they are interested in sharing a car in some way based on their specific needs and preferences: either as needed or more structured, long-term car sharing. 


*Key Survey Themes*


It was clear from the responses that many of our community members have had experiences with car sharing (both positive and negative). It was also encouraging to find that there is quite a bit of car sharing happening already, with a handful of groups already established. 


These are the key themes, concerns and potential car share options that people shared in their open-ended responses:


~~ General Considerations ~~

Trust and reliability are key requirements for people participating in a car share, i.e. trust that people will follow agreements that are made and that vehicles will be reliable and maintained appropriately by both lenders and borrowers.

Communication in the car share needs to be simple and easy. 


~~ Recommended Sharing Models and Practices ~~

Ownership of the vehicle could be shared but larger groups should consider a more formal ownership model where the vehicles are a pooled purchase from the start. 

Car lending generally works best if the lender retains control and the ability to say “no” or approve who borrows their vehicle and when.

There should be clear written agreements about the shared responsibility for car maintenance, fuel, cleaning, parking costs etc. 

ICBC requires all drivers of a vehicle to be licensed for insurance coverage to be valid. Occasional drivers can be covered under unlisted driver insurance which is free. Regular drivers of a vehicle have to be listed on the insurance policy. The driving history and experience of all listed drivers affects the total insurance premium. Follow these ICBC links for more details on coverage for unlisted drivers and when to consider listing a driver.


~~ Specific Community Patterns ~~

Quite a few people are willing to do errands for others on the other side (French Creek/Parksville/Qualicum Beach) in exchange for being able to borrow a car as needed.

Quite a few people are willing to lend their car as needed (short term), with a much smaller number willing to try a longer term car share.

There is highly varied use of cars on the other side, ranging from minimal to longer periods of time, all year round. This likely means that it will initially be easier for smaller groups of people with similar needs to share a vehicle.

A number of people are interested in sharing one or more Electric Vehicles. 

A number of people are interested in a formal car coop with a fleet of different vehicles that the community could borrow for different purposes.

Many people said that they would be able to use an online booking system or calendar for a car share if car sharing became more organized. 


~~ Other Ideas ~~

A handful of people suggested we could lobby Modo and Evo to have cars in French Creek in addition to our own car share.

Some people would be willing to use Truro,  a private car rental system, but that would be entirely at their own risk and not part of any organised car share plans.

There was some interest in more creative ways to use green passes efficiently, e.g. having a pool of green passes for part-time residents. Brainstorm in the comments!

The community could motivate for improved public transit on the other side, including reinstatement of passenger rail.

It would be helpful if there were a better mechanism to advertise or  find out about people going to the other side for quick pickups or errands e.g. a dedicated Facebook group or chat group.


The Climate Action Committee began this process and hopes that a new committee will form at the next Lasqueti Community Association's AGM to form a dedicated working group to follow up on some of the suggestions and other ideas that were shared in the survey, e.g. engaging Modo and Evo again on the possibility of having cars in French Creek, shared electric vehicles, and exploring the idea of a Lasqueti carpool coop. These larger projects won’t be our immediate focus though. Our primary focus will initially be on connecting and supporting this group of initial car sharers to get set up and working together. Let’s walk before we run! Contact Aigul or Maritza for more information or to be a part of car sharing in French Creek. 


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