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Effective January 1, 2023, the tipping fee for qathet Regional District Municipal Solid Waste will increase to $245/tonne.

A minimum fee of $7.50 will be charged per bag, and $37.50 per truck load.

“qRD Municipal Solid Waste” means refuse that originates from residential, commercial and institutional sources but does not include Construction, Renovation and Demolition Waste, Prohibited Waste, Recyclable Materials or Stewardship Materials.

“Construction, Renovation and Demolition Waste” means waste produced from the construction, renovation, and demolition of buildings, and other structures and may include, but is not limited to asphalt, bricks, concrete, roofing materials, wood, plumbing and electrical components.

“Prohibited Waste” means gaseous, liquid or solid waste prohibited from disposal and may include, but is not limited to asbestos containing materials, propane canisters, waste oil or petroleum by-products.

“Stewardship Materials” means any waste or recyclable materials in an approved stewardship plan as defined in the Recycling Regulation of the Environmental Management Act (B.C. Reg. 284/2016) and may include, but is not limited to paint, batteries, electronics, waste oil, residential packaging and paper product.

Authorized by the qathet Regional District Bylaw 532, 2018.  For more information on Bylaw 532 please visit

This news is related to...: 

Regional District

Lasqueti Island is part of the qathet Regional District. A regional district is set up to provide different services in different areas according to the needs and desires of each area’s residents and property owners. Only those who receive the service pay for it.


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