
References to CDF & Fire, Logging history on Lasqueti, First Nation and settlement (Condensed history of 1862 Small pox epidemic), and 1875 Survey Analysis as of March 2022

CDF & Fire
Bains, Babita & Bruce Blackwell, 2015, Powell River Regional District Community Wildfire Protection Plan, BA Blackwell & Associates Ltd.

Bakker, Jonathan; Ellen Jones; and Carson Sprenger; 2019, Evidence of historical frequent, low-severity fire regime in Western Washington, USA. Canadian Journal of Forest Research Vol. 49 (6) 575-585

Biodiversity Guidebook, 1995; Forest practices code of BC, Province of BC

Bjorkman, Anne; 2008, Masters Thesis UBC; Changes in landscape and vegetation of southeastern Vancouver Island and Saltspring Island, Canada since European settlement

Bjorkman, Anne and Mark Villend, 2010; Defining historical baselines for conservation: Ecological changes since European settlement on Vancouver Island, Canada; Conservation Biology, Vol. 24 (6) 1559-1568

Eis, Slavoj, 1961, Doctoral Thesis UBC; Statistical analysis of tree growth and some environmental factors of plant communities in a selected area of the coastal western Hemlock zone

Howe, Clifton Durant (C.D.), 1915, Part V The reproduction of commercial species in the southern coastal forests of British Columbia: “Forest Protection in Canada 1913-1914”, Commission of Conservation Canada printed by William Briggs, Toronto

Kilgore, Bruce,1981, Fire in ecosystems distribution and structure: western forest and scrublands. In H.A. Mooney, T.M. Bonnicksen, & N.L. Christensen: Proceeding of the Conference, Fire regimes and ecosystem properties, pp 58-59 USDA GTR-WO-26
Mason, Elda Copley; 1976, Lasqueti Island History and Memory, printed by AdMan Press Ltd., BC

Sprenger, Carson B., 2006, Fire history of a Douglas-fir – Oregon white oak woodland, Waldren Island, Washington, Masters thesis, University of Washington

UBC Centre for Conservation Genetics climatic analysis graph for Subzone/variant climate analysis last accessed April 9, 2021 at:

Not viewed yet, possible Weaver, Harold; 1974. Effects of fire on temperate forests: western United States. In Fire and ecosystems. p. 279-319. T. T. Kozlowski and C. E. Ahlgren, eds. Academic Press,
New York

I also want to read the original papers by Schmidt, R. L., 1957, The silvics and plant geography of the genus Abies in the coastal forests of British Columbia, BCMoF and his next two papers about fires on Vancouver Island. 1960, Factors controlling the distribution of Douglas-fir in coastal BC, Q J For 54(2) 156-160 and 1970, A history of pre-settlement fires on Vancouver Island as determined by Douglas-fir. In tree rig analysis with special reference to NW America,107-108, Univ BC Fac For Bull #7.

Reference to Logging history on Lasqueti

BC Forest Discovery Centre, blog of Sept 6, 2010; Spotlight on the Dolbeer Spool Donkey viewed at:

British Colonist for Aug 07, 1910 on page 21

British Columbia directory 1882-83, 1882, R.T. Williams last viewed 5 May 2021 at:

British Columbia Lumberman Feb 29, 1904, Vol 1 No 2 Advertisments

Biodiversity Guidebook, 1995; Forest practices code of BC, Province of BC

Darwin, Karl, 2020 in conversation

Drushka, Ken and Hannu Konttinen, 1997, Tracks in the Forest, Harbour Publishing, BC

Ferris, Chris & Doug Hopwood, 1990, An Ecological Description of the Crown Land of Lasqueti Island for Local Trust Committee, Islands Trust, MoF, and Regional District

Forbs, Peter in conversation

Gould, Ed; 1975, Logging -British Columbia’s Logging History, Hancock House Publishers Ltd., BC ,Historic at

Mason, Elda Copley; 1976, Lasqueti Island History and Memory, printed by AdMan Press Ltd., BC

Mendocino Coast Model Railroad & historical Society web site viewed in 2021 at:

Qualicum Beach Family History Society downloaded in 2021 from which was transcribed from BC Archives in 31 Aug 2005 Donna Fraser.

Osland, John in conversation

Order in Council, BC, 313/1892 downloaded in 2021 from:

Stocking class code from: last observed in 4/1/2022 9:48 AM

USDA Tech. Bulletin #700, 1939, Costs of Tractor Logging in Southern Pine by Robert E. Worthington

Vegetation Map Legends accessed at: (2021/06/14)

Weaver, Sharon, “First Encounters: 1970s Back-to-the-land Cape Breton, NS and Denman,
Hornby and Lasqueti Islands, BC.” Oral History Forum d’histoire orale 30 (2010) Special Issue
"Talking Green: Oral History and Environmental History" ISSN 1923-0567

May be useful: BC sessional papers index 1872-1916 for another’s thoughts on our early forests.

Begg, M. (2007). Legislating British Columbia : a history of B. C. land law, 1858-1978 (T).

University of British Columbia. Retrieved from

First Nation and settlement:

1968 forest cover map

Bjorkman above

British Colonist for Aug 07, 1910 on page 7

Eis, above

Ferris & Hopwood above

Lepofsky, Dana, (@2005)Lasqueti Through Archaeology Eyes: The Island in the Middle of Everywhere, on Lasqueti web site

Howe, C D above

Mason above

1875 Survey Analysis

1875 Survey notes and map, available from Lands branch or Lasqueti archives or Dick Varney

Extension Note 10 - Landscape Ecology and Natural Disturbances: Relationships to Biodiversity, 1997, by John Parminter and Patrick Daigle, MoF.

Island Trust, State of the Islands Indicator Project, 2019, Islands Trust, map image

“Manual Systems of Survey adopted for public lands in Manitoba & in the Northwest Territories” 1871

MoF, Modified 1968 Forest Cover Map with partial updates to ?1986-95?

Biodiversity Guidebook, 1995, MoF

Bjorkman above

Day, Ken, 2012 Interior Douglas-fir Selection Management, UBC FRST 504

FireSmart pamphlet by qather

Furniss et al, 2021, “Crowding, climate, and the case for social distancing among trees” Tucker Furniss, Adrian Das, Phillip van Mantgen, Nathan Stephenson, and James Lutz. Ecological Applications, Dec, 2021

Gersonde, Rolf; 2016, Slides Ecological Forest Management, NW Natural Resources Group

Hanberry et al, 2020; Discovering Douglas-fir Woodlands in the historical forests of Umatilla National forest, eastern Oregon and Washinton, Brice Hanberry, Donald Justice, and David Powell, Forests 2020, 11, 1122; doi:10.3390/f11101122

Hofmann, Julius, 1924, The Natural Regeneration of Douglas-fir in PNW; USDA bulletin 1200

Isaac, Leo A., 1940; Vegetative succession following logging in the Douglas-fir
region with special reference to fire, Journal of Forestry, Vol. 38, 9

Kuipa, L.C.; 1988, “The structure of Natural Douglas-fir forest in western Washington and western Oregon”, Agricutural University Wageningen Papers

Lepofsky, Dana, updates to Xwe’etay/Lasqueti Archaeology Project, 2021 & 2022

Levine et al, 2017; Carrie. LEVINE, Charles COGBILL, Brandon COLLINS, Andrew LARSON, James LUTZ, Malcolm NORTH, Christina RESTAINO, Hugh SAFFORD, Scott STEPHENS. Evaluating a new method for reconstructing forest conditions from General Land Office survey records, Ecological Applications, 27(5), 2017

Mason above

Negrave & Steward, 2010, Silviculture Practices for Enhancing Old Forest Stand Structure in Red- and Blue-Listed Plant Communities in the CDFmm: Interim Document Version 2.0, May 10, 2010, (Roderick Negrave, and Dean Stewart)

North et al, 2022, “Operational resilience in western US frequent-fire forests” (Malcolm P.North, Ryan E.Tompkins, Alexis A.Bernal, Brandon M.Collins, fScott L.Stephens, Robert A.York), Forest Ecology and Management, Volume 507, March 2022

Peter & Harrington, 2014; Historical Colonization of South Puget Sound Prairies by Douglas-Fir at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington
October 2014, Northwest Science 88(3):186-205

Pojar & MacKinnon, 1994, Plants of Coastal BC, MoF

Ridout, Eldon, 1949, A Study of Slash Burning and its effect on a British Columbia Forest Soil









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