first Lasqueti Days of the Dead celebration

Event Date: 
Sunday, November 2, 2008 - 2:00pm

This list of names of people connected to Lasqueti Island and who are now deceased was put together for a Day of the Dead gathering at the Community Hall in 2008. It has been updated and corrected for a gathering to celebrate the installation of the map of the cemetery on Saturday, November 4, 2023.

If you have corrections or additions, please contact Peter Johnston or Sheila Ray.


? (guy Tom W found in the woods)

? Cecil

? Frank

? Joseph

? Lucky

Albrecht, Constanze

Anderson, Neil

Appledorf (Turgeon), Luella

Armour, Uncle Jimmy

Arne, Robert

Arnold, Jack

Arnold, Minn

Baartz, Flora

Babb, Mr

Barber, Michael (Miguel)

Bearchell, Chris

Bearcroft, Charlie

Bearcroft, Nellie

Beatty, Joseph

Beatty, Sarah

Beck, Terry

Bennett, Mary

Bickford, Isabelle

Bigsby, Willian Austin

Bisset, Gordon

Blondin, Joslyn

Bourcier, Louis

Brown, Rosemary

Bump, Dianne

Bump, infant

Bump, Julia

Camp, Annie

Camp, Happy

Campbell, Roger

Carey, Trey

Campbell, Ghislane

Carter, Anthony

Carter, Bert

Cole, Ian

Collins, Jean

Collins, John

Conn, Bob

Conn, Laura

Cook, Albert

Cook, Albert Jr.

Cook, Bertha

Cook, Douglas

Cook, Fred

Cook, Louise

Cook, Manfred

Cook, Vera

Copley, Hattie

Copley, Merion

Corfield, Mrs

Cowley, David

Cox, Bill

Creekmore, Dwayne

Darwin, Betty

Darwin, Charlie

Darwin, Ed

Darwin, Mabel

De Mynn, Derrick

De Mynn, Monica

Deasey, Tony

Diewert, Fred

Diewert, Ray

Domville, Compton

Douglas, Archie

Douglas, Beatrice

Douglas, Chester

Douglas, Dorene

Douglas, Emma

Douglas, George

Douglas, Irene

Douglas, Norman

Douglas, Tess

Drake, Diane Dazy

Evans, Helen Marie

Farrell, Alan

Farrell, Sharie

Ferris, Jim

Fisher, Francis

Fisher, Henrietta

Fisher, Judith

Fisher, Mark

Fisher, William

Foikas, Kim

Forbes, Agnes (Nana)

Forbes, Cyril

Forbes, Pat

Forbes, Peter

Forbes, Robbie

Forbes, Trevor

Gaensbauer, Al

Gaffney, Jonathan

Gale, Barbara

Gale, Tom

Gawn, Al

Gerrard, Aurelle

Gillespie, Jane Penny (Jean)

Gillespie, Wilfred Cliford

Ridout, Gordie

Graham, Charlie

Grebliunas, Larry

Green, Barbara

Harper, Ed

Harrison, Marge

Harrison, Tom

Haukedal, Eli

Haukedal, Lory

Hawkshaw, Cedric

Hawkshaw, John Edward

Higgins, Gemma

Hiltz, Jack

Hiltz, Joan

Holland, George

Holland, Gerry

Holmes, Rand

Humphries, Amelia

Humphries, Michael

Johnson, Lance

Johnson, Lucile

Johnston, Vivian

Jones, Cal

Jones, Laurienne

Jones, Robin

Kavadas, Alex

Kavadas, Gloria

Kristinsson, Hoss

Kurtzhals, Jack

Kurtzhals, Mabel

Kurtzhals, Pegge

Kurtzhals, Rudolph

Kuyt, Peter

Lacey, Chris

Laing, Alex

Laing, Claire

Laing, Ian

Laing, Stuart

Laing, Tom

Lambert, Paul

Lambert, Velina

Landsdown, Gary

Lauks, John

Lawson, Bill

Lawson, Peggy

Lawson, Scotty

Lehmann, Hans

Lenfesty, Dan

Lenfesty, Margaret

Lewis, Katherine

Lewis, Ralph

Livingstone, Edith

Livingstone, Evelyn

Livingstone, Fred

Livingstone, Harry

Livingstone, Kate

Looney, Phil

Lowry, Dale

Lowry, Earl

Lowry, Pat

Lundgren, Charlie

Lynch, Bill

Lyon, Marcy

Mann, Alfie

Mann, Earl

Mann, Shirley

Marchand, Isabelle/Isabella

Mason, Elda

Mason, Laurie

McAdam, Jenny

McBride, Dennis

McCurdy, Harold

McFeely, Betty

McGibbon, Tara

McGown, Jennifer

McKelvey, Lorne

McMullen, Judith

Millicheap, Agnes

Millicheap, Molly

Millicheap, T.A.(Archie)

Millicheap, Tom

Morrison, Bill

Moser, Robert

Mundy, Mike

Nichols, Bessie

Nichols, Carl

Nichols, Eric

Nichols, Florrie

Nichols, Ruby

Nordland, Karl

Oben, Jean

Oben, Philip

Oben, Roy

Olesko, Sherry

Oliver, Franke

Olson, Gordie

Olson, Rosemary

Olson, Teresa

Osland, John

Palmer, Al

Parry, Onslow

Parry, Sally

Pearson, Henry

Pearson, Ian

Pearson, Margaret

Pearson, Paula

Philips, Evadne

Pronk, Frank

Purcell, Ray

Raines, Art

Regan, Heston

Reid, Joseph

Ressenger, Richard (Brother)

Richardson, Bill

Richardson, Jessie

Richarson, George

Roberts, Ralph

Roberts, Rita

Roussel, Fernand

Runnings, Bryan

Runnings, John

Runnings, Louise Ann

Ryan, Art

Ryan, Helen

Ryan, Irene

Sampson, Bruce

Sawatsky, Debra Ann

Schroeder, Diana

Schroeder, Robert

Schumach, Karl

Schumach, Rosa

Scott, Sam

Sjolseth-Carter, Minn

Skulsky, Julie

Smith, Bonnie

Stevens, Homer

Szylek, Werner

Tansey, John

Taylor, Mike

Taylor, Randy

Thomas, Jack

Trinley, India

Tucker, Eva

Vandendries, Jan

Varney, Cecil

Varney, Nancy

Vincent, Salina

Voeltz, Axel

Vossler, Gil

Walin, Lief

Wamer, Treant

Warnock, Mabel

Watkins, Beverly Ann

Weighill, John G.D.

Weipert, Richard

Welsh, Albert

Welsh, Amber Elizabeth

Welsh, Klara

Wentela, Tim

Whyte, baby

Whyte, Bruce

Whyte, Jack

Whyte, John

Whyte, Mae

Whyte, Rita

Whyte, Ruth

Williams, Annie

Williams, Charles

Williams, Della

Williams, Ray


The Unknown-to-us Lasqueti dead

In the 150 years or so during which non-indigenous, mostly European, people have lived on Lasqueti, over 300 Lasqueti people have died.

This is about seven generations, figuring 20 years per generation.

Indigenous North Americans, now known as First Nations because they were here first, lived on the coast, including on Lasqueti, for at least 3,000 years, and perhaps as many as, and maybe more than 10,000 years. This was between 150 and 500 generations.

Please think briefly of the thousands of people, probably tens of thousands, who lived and died on Lasqueti before Europeans arrived.

One of the best ways of honouring them (or at least not dishonouring them) is to preserve (and avoid destroying) the traces of their lives that we live on and among.



"What is remembered lives."

Here’s a list of people who we know that have lived on Lasqueti and have really crossed over "to the other side"! Please add any names that you remember that aren’t here.



Brian Zelley's picture

Other one time residents

It might be nice if we could remember the many folks that lived on Lasqueti Island, but passed away in places like Nanaimo
or the from Lasqueti that have been lost in WWI or WW II.
One of those that was a WW I casualty is my great uncle
John Phillips.

cemetery list

I appreciate whoever is keeping these records up to date. I have a couple of corrections for the Gillespie's listed here. The listing with a question mark is for my father Clifford Wilfred Gillespie known to all his business contacts and friends as Cliff. The two listings that you have for Jean Gillespie and Jane Penny Gillespie are for one person, my mother. Her birth certificate lists her as being registered as Jane Penny but she wanted a more in style name so she chose to be known as Jean to all her friends and business contacts.

David Samuel Nichols

On David Samuel Nichols death certificate, it shows that he is buried in the Lasqueti Island Community Cemetery. I haven't been able to visit the island, so I hace no idea if he has a stone. His son is Dolson "Carl" Nichols, wife Flossie and two children Eric and Bessie are also buried there.

Lasqueti Dead

It is possible to post an article about Lasqueti people, both passed and loved.

For instructions, see:

The current list of Lasqueti Dead (in-progress and wildly incompete) is here:

webmaster (at)

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