January Trustee Note

Since our last Lasqueti Trust Committee meeting was in early October, and the next one is scheduled for February 1, this is likely to be a somewhat brief report.

Main thing to be aware of is that we gave first reading to the proposed new Official Community Plan (OCP) for Lasqueti. This is the first formal opportunity for everyone to read and study it, and to give us your comments. We especially want to know if we’ve got things wrong, or left anything out that should be included. All of it can easily be changed, and this is the time to suggest changes, whatever they are.  Or if you think it captures and summarizes the wishes of the community, please let us know that.

The Proposed new bylaw is at   http://www.islandstrust.bc.ca/media/350453/la_bl_98_base_ocp_1st.pdf

Anyone who wants a printed copy  of the proposed OCP can get one by requesting it from the Trust’s Gabriola Island office,  northinfo [at] islandstrust [dot] bc [dot] ca  or 250-247-2063. (You can call 1-800-663-7867 and ask to be connected.) A copy will be mailed to you.

Opinions and suggestions about the proposed OCP (or about any other Trust topic) can be sent to all three LTC trustees and our planner at  LasquetiIslandLocalTrustCommittee [at] islandstrust [dot] bc [dot] ca   It would also be helpful if you sent a copy to northinfo [at] islandstrust [dot] bc [dot] ca  Feedback on paper can be mailed to  the Islands Trust Northern Office,  700 North Road, Gabriola Island, BC  V0R 1X3  or faxed to 250-247-7514. You could give it to one of your local trustees, and he will share it with the others.

We will also be happy to have people give their input to us at our February 1 meeting, which you will be able to join via computer or telephone.  Details will come close to the end of January.

There is lots of background information posted on the OCP Review web page 


(I’ll post this Trustee Note on the Lasqueti web site at  https://lasqueti.ca/node/6740   so that you can click on the links.)

Other news:  the LTC and senior staff met with qathet Regional District chair Brabazon and our Area E director, Andrew, and senior staff. It was a useful protocol meeting, in which we shared what we’re doing and interested in, and learned about each other’s work, and shared information. It was useful and interesting.

All of the information on the two applications for private docks in Scottie Bay is still on the web, accessible through http://www.islandstrust.bc.ca/islands/local-trust-areas/lasqueti/current-applications/

Recent electronic Lasqueti Trust Committee (LTC) meetings have been recorded and are posted on the web site and available for viewing. Go to the meeting calendar http://www.islandstrust.bc.ca/islands/local-trust-areas/lasqueti/meeting-calendar-agendas-minutes/  Find the meeting date and click on it, and then click on “Live Stream Recording”.

The Trust held three stewardship webinars this fall, and the recordings are available for you to watch, and some extra information is posted, too. The topics were  Rainwater Harvesting,  Ecosystem-based Adaptation, and Eelgrass: a climate hero.  They are available through  http://www.islandstrust.bc.ca/trust-council/projects/stewardship-education-program/  There are likely to be more webinars on stewardship topics in the future.  I’ll keep you posted.

Reminder about community safety:   Islands Trust urges islanders and visitors to follow BC Public Health Officer guidance   With British Columbia, and the world, facing alarming growth in COVID-19 cases, provincial leaders have once again advised against non-essential travel and required everyone to minimize community interactions, even close to home.  For Islands Trust Council Chair Peter Luckham's comments on this subject, as he implores community members to put safety first, go to   http://www.islandstrust.bc.ca/media/350582/2020-27_it_tc_-islands-trust-urges-people-to-follow-public-health-guidance_nr_final.pdf

I have just under two years left in this, my final term. Please consider standing to be one of our two local trustees, or who you think would make a good one.  I’m happy to answer questions and share my experience.  If you have general questions, concerns or comments, please contact me by email or by telephone (which is now working, and we hope will continue to work).        Peter




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