Dock/Ferry Etiquette

I was hanging out with some folks the other day and the conversation wandered into the territory of our tales of Dock Rage, (either witnessed --whoa, some great stories! ---or experienced, also some great stories!).  These stories were mostly about incidents that showed a decided lack of 'common' sense, either on the ferry, or off...but generally around the use of the dock and ferry by ferry passengers, and drivers bringing cars to the dock for frieght, passengers or for personal parking spaces!

The conversation also went on into the territory of how little we all use this website for sharing ideas and thoughts -- we all agreed that someone just had to get the ball rolling, so...

I invite you if you're reading, to...make your comments, add your two bits worth, get it off your chest, have a word, rant or rave...tell us your stories, and share with us your ideas of what constitutes appropriate dock etiquette.


Dock Rage ???

One thing that many nouveu rubes forget is that this place is an island, conveniently accessible, but an island.  An island is a piece of terra firma surrounded by terra (sorry- water) often times sucked into nauseating lumps called waves caused  by wind passing through the documented windiest place in the Gulf, i.e Stevens Passage, between Lasqueti and Sisters Lighthouse. This moat is one of three things which keep this place rural, not the vaunted bureaucrats of the Islands Trust.

Small wonder the survivours of the trip forget there's anyone else in the world and demand that they need dock room to get their car to their stuff so they can get to their home so they can forget the trip. Sorry,  but this place is an island, and the water part of the picture won't go away.

Try packing  your stuff up the dock to a pile, going up to the pub, get a glass of your favourite, and watch the zoo. It is the best show in town


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