Contacts for local response (information and to offer help)

The following are the main contacts for different local response activities, if you want to offer to help or to find out more information


Local response coordinator:

  • Darcy Pascall (darcypascall at


Local elected representatives:

  • Regional Director: Andrew Fall (250 333 8595; andrew at
  • Islands Trustees:
    • Peter Johnston
    • Tim Peterson

Ferry committee:

  • Shelley Garside


Financial assistance from the Provincial and Federal Governments:

  • Ruth Ervin (250-333-858; ruthlasqueti at


Delivery to ferry at French Creek on Vancouver Island:

  • Pia Lironi (250 818 9631; plironi at
  • Heaven on Earth


Delivery from ferry on Lasqueti:

  • Syvlia St. Ledger

Local food production:

  • Hilary Duinker, Jenny V, Wendy S, Marie-Ange



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