TONIGHT! Zivanai Masango plays Lasqueti

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Event Date: 
Thursday, October 17, 2019 - 7:00pm

What: An intimate solo performance with Zimbabwe's Zivanai Masango

Where: Lasqueti Arts Centre 

When: TONIGHT!! (Thurs. Oct. 17)  doors @7, show @7:30

How: sliding scale.  Suggested: $15-20 per person


Zivanai's guitar stylings range from Afropop and jazz to adaptations of traditional music of South-East Africa.

He spent the past decades recording and touring with some of Africa's biggest bands and recording 3 solo albums.

And now he is coming to Lasqueti to play a show just for us!!

A night to be remembered, please come out if you can to support bringing world music to the Lasqueti stage.



In the past decade, Zivanai Masango has emerged as a bright star of Southern African music. His sweet, tasteful, and sincerely heartfelt style of guitar playing wins the hearts and minds of audiences and fellow musicians alike. His first three albums; Pachedu (2005), Dutu-Storm (2007) and It’s Time (2013), showcase Zivanai’s progressive, fresh, and familiar sound. It is a music unmistakably steeped and deeply rooted in the cultures and traditions of Zimbabwe and Southern Africa. Singing mostly in his native Shona language, Zivanai seeks to preserve and promote the beauty and expressiveness of this rich language as he brings a message of hope, joy, justice, and perseverance. These songs also address issues affecting the Zimbabwean people and the general African diaspora in the face of economic and socio-political turmoil.

From the stadiums and music halls in Zimbabwe to the Hollywood Bowl, Central Park Summer Stage, The Blue Note, Dimitrou’s Jazz Alley, and everything in between, Zivanai has toured the world while backing and sharing stages with legendary artists such as Oliver Mtukudzi, Bonnie Raitt, Jimmy Cliff, Habib Koite, Thomas Mapfumo, The String Cheese Incident, Hugh Masekela, Giovanni Hidalgo and many others.


This news is related to...: 

Arts Centre

The Arts Centre is run by the Community Arts Council whose purpose is to support and encourage all forms of creative expression in the community. There are two spaces, gallery and studio. The gallery is a venue for all forms of art : literary, musical, performance, film screenings, as well as exhibitions of visual art. in addition , the space is available for rent by community members for classes, workshops, meetings, or events.The studio is a working space for visual artists , and is available for solo or group projects and workshops. 


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