The Star of Divine Governance

earthhealing's picture

This is a call to action. Humanity is blazing Light into every little piece of government on earth, December 12 at 2pm PT and continuing for every day left in December.

I’m speaking to those of us born in old energy and now opening to the new frequencies bathing our universe.

We cannot repair what is being exposed on earth. Society must be reinvented. Our judgements cannot be part of this process. Blaze that wonderful non-judgmental Light everywhere from December 12 as we intensify the Star of Divine Governance so we can have productive change.

Our Transformational Star of Laser Light is being blessed with Humanity’s Heart Presence, Pleaidian Seeking Balance Wheel Energy and Compassion. Everybody wins!!!

The Star of Divine Governance mp3

The Star of Divine Governance.pdf


As you use this decree you will unearth personal mental and emotional obstacles, as well as clean up thousands and thousands of years of ineffective, old governing on our beloved planet.

The laser intensity of using this light process, flashes our old thought and emotional obstructions to survival, up for quick review.

Life is changing. You and I are living in a benevolent universe. We can now love EVERYTHING and EVERYONE at the same time. Separation no longer works, is old energy, despite the fact that we like bits of it. We are learning to see good things that are really there; actually actual. We’ve never lived in this kind of energy before and it’s becoming visible to us.

Emotions are good, safe and take us to goodness. They can be trusted. They bring us energy from the multitude of different realities that are all around us. Rather than getting rid of this stuff, feel where it is surfacing from, and anchor-in that energy. Locate that frequency and claim it. The emotions now are a dynamism inside you. Feel them in the depth and core of your being. Now you can receive new energy from Prime Source Creator because there is room for it.

As we, as individuals radiate this communion, we build an energetic field that sponsors global unity. Humanity is lighting up the world.


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