Local Trust Committee Special Meeting

We will be holding a Special Meeting on Monday, March 12, to consider amendments to the proposed Land Use Bylaw No. 95, intended to address minimum lot size in the Subdivision Regulations. While we gave first reading to this bylaw at our meeting of February 19, we have since rescinded that first reading, due to some proposals that would make further changes. This meeting will be earlier and shorter than usual, 9:00-10:00AM, as we will be leaving that morning to Salt Spring for Trust Council


Land Use Bylaw No. 95

I have found the use of ratios of length to width to describe the waterfront hard to grasp.... what this will look like???

I suspect that the ratios have been developed to establish a minimum width of water frontage for sub division purposes.

Please consider clearly stating the objective : Sub division lots in contact with water shall be of a minimum of 10 acres and shall have no less than " desired width " of water front per dwelling. In other words spell out clearly the minimum number of water front feet permitted per dwelling. This will clearly establish density maximums at the waterfront.

Let the community decide on what spacing there should be and use that decision to calculate the lot ratio . Talking about ratios is simply confusing.

For Consideration
Richard Smith

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