B.C. Government proposed groundwater policies

The B.C. Government is soliciting public comments for proposed groundwater policies under the Water Sustainability Act. Comments will be accepted until September 8, 2015.

The policies speak to four general topics:

§  Licensing groundwater use and assigning related water rights. Proposed policies encourage existing groundwater users to apply early for a licence.

§  Requirements for constructing and maintaining wells and protecting groundwater, including the management of artesian flows and the deactivation and decommissioning of unused wells.

§  Provisions to enhance dam safety; and reduce risk related to a dam failure, including more stringent requirements for emergency planning and annual review of downstream conditions.

§  New offences and finesincluding offences related to the beneficial use of water, groundwater licensing, and enhanced protection of aquatic ecosystems..

To find out more, or to comment, go to:



Please let the B.C. Government know what you think!

Tim Peterson




I believe its really a good

I believe its really a good news, if followed properly. it will certainly be beneficial for the people in need and the environment as well, just hoping it get implemented soon.

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