Lasqueti is so lucky, again! A very generous donor will donate $25,000US to the Judith Fisher Centre if Lasqueti can raise the corresponding Canadian dollar amount; approximately 32,000 loonies. This donor put forward $10K last year, which Lasqueti matched.  The tangible results of last years challenge: all of the progress that was made at the Judy since last summer including the service building, PV system, working septic and buried utilities.

While raising another large sum of money may sound daunting, the good news is that we have already matched 20% of the challenge. That’s right $5,000 US was donated within a day of the challenge, now we only have to raise $26,000 CDN. 

This year’s challenge is twice what was last year because our challenging donor decided to “double up” to help speed the completion of the project. We can do this and wrap it up by the end of August if we all dig deep and double last year’s donation. If you haven’t donated before this is a great time to leverage your first donation by becoming a matching donor. It’s easy, kind of fun, and, of course, tax deductible (US residents too).

The Judy’s construction account needs $200,000 so that the health centre can open for nursing and other health and wellness related activities in 2017.  While this is a large sum of money we’ve done it before. Twenty years ago, this Island raised $200,00 towards the purchase of Jedediah Island.  In 2011 we did it again and raised $225,000 for the extension to Squitty Bay Park.  We have practice; we’ve proven we are good at it. WE CAN DO THIS!

How to donate: send a cheque payable to “LASQUETI LAST RESORT SOCIETY”, to #1 China Cloud Bay Road, Lasqueti Island, BC V0R 2J0. Please note on the cheque that it is for the $25,000 challenge.  Or you can go online to: http://www.judithfishercentre.com and click on the Donate button.

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook: Lasqueti last resort society. Share it with your friends.

If you have any questions or need more information contact me at (250) 333-8898 or melinda [at] lasqueti [dot] ca

Thank you,

Melinda Auerbach, Fundraising Coordinator

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Last Resort Society

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