PRRD Public Engagement Feedback

At Tuesday's meeting, the PRRD was collecting feedback on a number of initiatives currently under consideration.  If you could not attend, or did not submit feedback, or have more to say, the "Lasqueti Island Public Engagement Sesssion Feedback Form" is attached to this page.

(I've also attached a "MS Word" .docx version if that makes it easier for you to fill out electronically).

Send your feedback to:

Brenda Paquin :  brenda [dot] paquin [at] powellriverrd [dot] bc [dot] ca
Manager of Administrative Services

Powell River Regional District
#202 - 4675 Marine Avenue,
Powell River, BC V8A 2L2

This news is related to...: 

Regional District

Lasqueti Island is part of the qathet Regional District. A regional district is set up to provide different services in different areas according to the needs and desires of each area’s residents and property owners. Only those who receive the service pay for it.

Lasqueti Public Engagement Session Feedback Form (pdf)529.2 KB
Lasqueti Public Engagement Session Feedback Form (docx - Word)2.99 MB


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