Spring Fling!
False Bay School is hosting its annual SPRING FLING
Sat., May 16 from 11:00am to 3:00pm in the schoolyard.
There will be: Plant sale Barbecue Ice cream, strawberry shortcake,
and cotton candy Afternoon beer garden for the grown-ups Dunk tank
Games, games, games Live and silent auctions Kids’ performances 4
yards of fish compost for sale, so bring your buckets & totes Market
vendors Pick-a-pocket Bake sale
PAC is raising funds to buy a new playground this year, so bring a bag of
money and enjoy yourself while helping the school with its yearly
If you'd like to donate plants, call Mopsy at 8620.
donations to the goods and services auction, call Kirsty at 8577.
offerings to the bake sale, call Jaylene at 8530.
vendor table bookings, call Silke at 8822.
musicians interested in playing on the open stage, call Reid at 8775.
Our parent body is quite small these days, so if you’d be willing to help
out a little bit on the big day, please call Kirsty at 8577.
Thank you on behalf of PAC and the kids at False Bay School.
Kid's springs would not be
Kid's springs would not be like spring without this playground. hope you people get enough of the fund to make this done.
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