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Kari-Ann Farrell memorial service

Those of you dating from the early 1970's in your Lasqueti journey will remember Kari-Ann Farrell, sweet daughter of Keray Farrell  and granddaughter of Allen and Sharie Farrell.  Kari died at the hospital in Powell River on Saturday, Feb.21. 2009 of pneumonia.  She was 40 years old. This is a terrible loss for her 17 year old daughter, Lily, and 7 year old Georgina.  And of course for the rest of her immediate and extended family.  There will be a service for Kari-Ann at Stubberfield's Funeral Home, 7221 Duncan St. in Powell River on Friday, March 6 at 1:00 PM.

wood gas burners

i was in contact with various islanders and lost all....

i am manufacturing wood gas generators that produce power from waste wood and water...no more hauling fuel..ever!

i can be reached at jamast [at] mail [dot] com and i'm looking forward to hearing from the many interested parties that contacted me before

we will have a working model very soon and i am interested in lasqueti for obvious reasons


comments to your posting

Gee Joseph what's with all this oriental sales stuff??? Do the move many Louis Vuiton bags to Lasquetians???

spammers at work...

some low-life web-bot has figured out how to sign up for an account and post spam comments.

One of my goals for the site has been to make it as simple as possible for people to contribute without having to jump through any hoops.  I'm working on a strategy to keep things simple, but block the spam-bots.    what a pain...

webmaster (at) lasqueti.ca

tv coverage

Just watched morning news and saw Lasqueti featured due to being off the grid. Kudos to Lasqueti residents for committing to a life off-grid. Inspiring and affirming.

passing of keri anne

I was saddened to hear of keray's loss. My family the barkers of powell river knew the farrells quite well in the early 70s. Please accept our sincere condolences.

I do not see any trouble with

I do not see any trouble with IE, it is okay. Though I must say I use IE 10 which is almost a new one.

Thanks Stephen...

appreciate the feedback. The site is more-or-less standards compliant, so as IE becomes more compliant, it should work better. The site was developed in the age of IE7 and IE8, both of which have substantial issues rendering some parts of the site correctly - glad to hear that has changed with the latest versions of IE!

The 70's

I have so many memories. I guess because I'm winding down on this earth plane, I am reminiscing. Blood Sugar Sam, are you still there? Music fills my soul, along with the sheep trails and the wild south end, sailing through Bull Island Pass....Biruta, Terri, Esther...... I hope to hear from you......Lawrence Fisher, such a kind, generous soul....Gary Lansdown was my boyfriend, I traveled and gave him freedom to express himself. I love you all!!!

Rouse Bay

And I never will forget John and Betsy and Margaret Rose and Crusty....our family. The Chaud Family......I LOVE YOU!!!!

Spaghetti Island String Band

Grover, I love you! Carolina, your sweet soul is embedded in my memory....Ian Cole, Bless your heart.....Ralph Lewis who helped me rescue a wild sheep mother and lamb on a cliff by my house....Margaret Rose for helping me pull a soaking wet wild sheep into the living room to warm up....Maureen and Jerry for your kindness, Diana for her wisdom and Roger and Jack, the locals who impressed upon my life. I can't thank you all enough! Sam, if you're out there...I hope you know how special you are to me.

Letting Go

And Connie, for helping me through the grieving process and your understanding and love. Oh, and Donna and Duane, thank you so much....in spirit and on earth. The Chaud Family may have dispersed, just as all holograms do, but I hold you all sacred. XOXOXOX

Alan and Sherri Farrell

They were a couple, unlike any other. Their lives impacted all of us. My memory fails me with the names of all their sailboats...but the best memory of all is of Allen walking across the barnacled rocks without shoes, and Sherri making tea in their last boat so beautiful in age..., their sailboats were all hand hewn, other than a chainsaw. They welcomed me, taught me what true love was and I think they will live on forever in the secret coves of Lasqueti and in our memories. There is no death.....their echoes live with the long ago natives of the Georgia Straights. Lasqueti is a magical island.

Margaret Rose

I am searching for my dear old friend, Margaret Rose. I hope she is still with us, and would love to connect. It has been too many years. Thank you in advance.
Chris stevens

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