911 - Letter to the Minister

I found another relevant document about the 911 situation:


To quote:

"Staff spoke with June Hicklin, Advisory Officer with the Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development about this amendment. Ms Hicklin advised that both bylaw amendments will require approval of the inspector and that the board may authorize participating area approval in accordance with Local Government Act section 801.5 (2). Such approval may be given by the electoral area director consenting in writing to the adoption fo the bylaw.

Although assent of the electors is not required to make these amendments the Ministry will want to see that a process of public consultation has taken place."

Well, a process of public consultation did not take place before this motion was carried, and we need to let the Honourable Minister Coralee Oakes know this.

Her contact information can be found at:


We intend to write her the following letter. You are welcome to use it as a template, but these types of letters work best if everyone personalizes their letter and adds their own thoughts.


Dear Honourable Minister Coralee Oakes

Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development


On December 17, 2014, the Board of Directors of the Powell River Regional District passed a motion to add Electoral Area E to the Emergency 911 system and to enact House Numbering systems.

(See section 9.4 - <https://powellriverregionaldistrict.civicweb.net/document/28747/Regional%20Board%20-%2017%20Dec%202014%20-%20Minutes%20-%20Pdf.pdf>)

In the staff report dated December 11, 2014, it is stated, "Although assent of the electors is not required to make these amendments the Ministry (your ministry) will want to see that a process of public consultation has taken place."

(see the section under Bylaw Changes Required - <https://powellriverregionaldistrict.civicweb.net/document/28068/EA%20E%20Participation%20in%20E911%20House%20Numbering%20Report.pdf>)

As a property owner and taxpayer in Electoral Area E, I wish to inform you that NO PUBLIC CONSULTATION was conducted before this motion was passed. Many of my fellow landowners and taxpayers are concerned about this lack of consultation, and we do not support the proposed 911 and House Numbering system, especially given that there was no public consultation.

I urge you to indicate to the PRRD that due to their failure to follow the direction of the ministry to see that a process of public consultation had taken place, that this motion should be reversed, and a proper process of public consultation performed first.


David & Laura Slik
Lambert Lake
Lasqueti Island, B.C. Canada
V0R 2J0



David & Laura




I also encourage others to write this minister!

To: Minister Coralee Oakes

On December 17, 2014, the Board of Directors of the Powell River Regional District passed a motion without seeking public consultation. The motion was for Electoral Area E, specifically Lasqueti (Xwe'etay*) Island, to be added to the Emergency 911 system and to impose Civic Addresses on the residents homes.

As a Lasqueti Island resident and Canadian citizen I assure you there has been NO PUBLIC CONSULTATION prior to this motion being passed. Most of the local residents are extremely upset by this lack of consultation and simply do not support the proposed 911 and Civic Addressing system. It would be a fundamental invasion of our collective and individual privacy.

We all come to live on this isolated off-grid island for a variety of reasons, and it is our choice to live this way, risky as it may seem to folks who live in the city. Forcing 911 service along with it's imposed civic addressing system will erode the lifestyle this community has collectively chosen and maintained over many decades.

It is my belief this is in clear violation of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Section 2, Part d, Freedom of Association. This is one of the few places left in Canada where we can reside with others who share the values that one needs to successfully live in an isolated off-grid community.

I request you tell the PRRD that due to their failure to seek public consultation that this motion should be thrown out, and insist that public consultation happen first.

Thank you,

Scott Stilling
Lasqueti (Xwe'etay) Island
B.C. Canada
V0R 2J0

* Xwe'etay is the original name First Nations used for Lasqueti Island.

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