A conspiracy in the making?

bike's picture
NI911's rep said many times during the meeting that he was mandated to tell us that if we rejected "civic addresses," NI911 would not serve us.  He later said that they would serve us in the interim without them, but only if we agreed to be "put on the map," so to speak.

The tower we are being told to buy would be given to NI911.  No mention of who else would be served by that tower was made, nor if it would be used by other service providers, such as Telus, Rogers, etc.  If NI911 owns that tower, or if PRRD owns that tower, and subleases space to cell phone providers and the like, it would likely mean a profitable venture, especially given that we are underwriting the installation cost.

If memory serves, Mt. Davies is in a Provincial Park.  Not a very high standard of environmental protection any longer, but likely enough to keep cell towers out.  But a community in need of Fire and Ambulance services would easily trump any environmental protection that may exist for Mt. Davies.

NI911 can serve us without civic addresses; PRRD and other government bureaucrats desperately want them imposed upon us.  PRRD gives NI911 a profitable new tower; NI911 scares us into accepting civic addresses.  You rub my back, I rub yours?

Conspiratorially Yours,


The tower for Texada that was

The tower for Texada that was discussed would be in crown land (Mt. Davies is not in a park).

It would be owned and operated by NI911, and paid for by PRRD (read us). Given the small size of the tower, it is unlikely that it would be shared with other users.

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