Spring Workshops in Transformational Voice with Joanna Finch
Spring Workshops in Transformational Voice
with Joanna Finch
The Lasqueti Arts Centre
March 19 12:30-4:30
Reflections and Transformations through Nature and Sound Weaving ($45; min 5 people)
This 3-4 hour workshop takes you on a journey into a visioning process that clarifies what you want for yourself, for your community and for the Earth.
The 7 stage process involves being still and observant in a natural setting, to pull the green, the smells, the life force into your subconscious. Next, we learn what sound weaving is. Part three is a guided visualization. Part four involves breath, voice and authentic movement. Part 5 is word-smithing, Journaling, creating imagery; Part 6 brings us into an organic process of sound-shaping, toning, harmonizing and distilling our visions into shape. And lastly, Part 7 is a clear, concise mantra that will be each participants' chant or prayer or rap. Create a transformational sound weaving everyday and listen to the change within you.
March 20 12:30-2:30
Switch! Fast and Fun Improv Games for Families (2 hours $20; families of 3 or more $35); min 6 people
This series of improv games require a willingness to leave inhibitions at the door and to jump right in for the sheer delight of it! Enjoy the pleasure of hearing what your voice is capable of. This workshop works best with an all ages group who are comfortable with play, who work well as a team and who want to find new and fun ways to communicate.Tell your friends- the more the crazier, happier, fun!!
Some games we play:
Laughter jam warm up
Ancestral Voices... exploration of tones and shapes, patterns and rhythms
Switch! a fast moving circle of conversations in dialect
Sliding doors... stories that merge, deflect and intrude
Monsters and Machines…weird noise jam- do you have a panache for ‘sounds’?
Flocking…following the leader in graceful, identical movements.
Please call Joanna at 250 792-3717 or email joyjobird [at] gmail [dot] com to register. (A second SWITCH workshop will be added on the 19th if 8 of more sign up for the 20th.)

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