Trustee Note - Peter

Trustee Note - Peter

I'm coming up to the end of the second year as trustee, with just over one more year to go in this term. I'm learning a lot about how the Trust works, and hope that I can make a difference in the time left. Here are some of my thoughts on the Trust generally, and its mandate and work:

The Islands Trust is responsible for land use planning on the islands in the Trust area. Specifically, the Lasqueti Island Local Trust Committee does land use planning for Lasqueti and its surrounding islands. We have the same tools that other local governments have, but also the added responsibility of having "to preserve and protect the trust area and its unique amenities and environment for the benefit of residents of the trust area and of the province generally, in cooperation with municipalities, regional districts, improvement districts, other persons and organizations and the Government of British Columbia'.

The Islands Trust Council - made up of the 26 trustees from the 13 Trust islands - sets Trust policies and priorities, and selects and oversees the work of the Trust's executive committee, who carry out (with the support of staff) the day-to-day work of the Trust. One part of the executive's responsibiliy is to make sure that each of the 13 Local Trust Committees carries out its duty to support the object or mandate of the Trust.

It causes me considerable concern that, even though we have this duty to work for the people of BC generally, the province supplies only about three percent of the Islands Trust's funding. Except for a small amount collected in fees, the vast majority of the costs of running the Trust are borne by the property taxpayers of the Trust Areas.

It also concerns me that almost all the work of the Trust on protection of all sorts is "advocacy" work, where we ask and encourage other bodies (especially the provincial government) to do, or not do, things that we feel are important and critical to "preserve and protect" our area. I probably don't need to tell you that some of the Trust's advocacy work is slow and sometimes even frustrating. However, one thing that the Trust has been effective at is joining with other local governments to work together, generally at the Union of BC Municipalities and the Association of Vancouver Island Coastal Communities, and with the San Juan County council, as well as other groups and individuals. Many small voices expressing the same concerns are more effective than individual ones.

The next Lasqueti Trust Committee meeting will be Thursday, October 17, starting at 11am, at the Arts Centre.  The agenda will be posted about the 10th, both on paper at the usual spots and on the Trust  website. If you have any questions or concerns, on the agenda or not, please let us know by attending the meeting, or writing to us on paper or by email. Phone calls are also welcomed, but they are less easy to remember and act on (or not) than written or in-person communication at our meeting.

Thank you for your support and encouragement, and your ideas, suggestions and questions.

'to preserve and protect the trust area and its unique amenities and environment for the benefit of residents of the trust area and of the province generally, in cooperation with municipalities, regional districts, improvement districts, other persons and organizations and the Government of British Columbia'. - See more at:
'to preserve and protect the trust area and its unique amenities and environment for the benefit of residents of the trust area and of the province generally, in cooperation with municipalities, regional districts, improvement districts, other persons and organizations and the Government of British Columbia'. - See more at:
'to preserve and protect the trust area and its unique amenities and environment for the benefit of residents of the trust area and of the province generally, in cooperation with municipalities, regional districts, improvement districts, other persons and organizations and the Government of British Columbia'. - See more at:

Thank you

We would like to thank all the people who contributed to making the recent Trust Council meeting on Lasqueti (the first in approximately 30 years) so successful.

Hosts & accommodations: Mick & MaryJean, Betsy, Shawnna, Connie, Lasqueti Hotel, Gwen & Austin, Sandy & Bill, Wendy B, Susan & Earnie, Judy & Michael, Jana. Also to Dazy and Marti, and others, who offered but whose help we didn't need.

Meals and snacks:  Tim P (plus Lisa & Tim) for dinners and breakfasts, MaryJane's for lunches, and the Last Resort Society for snacks, beverages and munchies.

Transportation & Vehicles: Mark Y, Deb & Don, Eugenie, Bill & Sandy,  and the ferry crew. (Some of the senior staff said that they would only ride in a limousine from now on. I hope they meant this only when they are on Lasqueti! Chair Malcolmson said she was particularly moved by traveling to Lasqueti with the other trustees, all in the same boat.)

Entertainment:  the Lasqueti Women's Choir, the Marimba Superheroes (Chaya, Silas, Salal, Hayden, Isabella, Amina and Henry), and Merrick and Darlene

Presenters: Andrew (LIFFT), Ray (LRS), Gordon (LINC). Gordon again for leading the walk at John Osland Nature Reserve.

Joseph for setting up the simple and effective sound system.

Hall users who gave up their regular scheduled times at the hall. Aigul for all her help at the hall.

Everyone who attended and everyone who helped and showed unexpected kindnesses to our guests. Many of them were blown away by our community, and several expressed regret that they didn't have a chance to see more of the island. It was great that so many trustees and senior staff got to see a little of Lasqueti and what it's like. It has many, many features that we're working to preserve and protect, and even enhance when we can.  Thank you to you all.  

This news is related to...: 

Islands Trust

The Islands Trust is a federation of independent local governments, which plans land use and regulates development in the trust area.  The Lasqueti Local Trust Committee is responsible for Lasqueti and the surrounding small islands.


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