Natural Building Workshop

Event Date: 
Sunday, July 21, 2013 - Saturday, July 27, 2013
Starting Sunday evening July 21 until Saturday July 27, Lasqueti Island off the grid Chip Slip and
sculptural cob workshop. We will be infilling the walls of a beach-log timber-frame art metal
blacksmith studio. Throughout the week our primary focus will be on chip slip construction; a
lightweight, insulative, infill material, made from wood-chips and clay
slip. As well, we will work with various cob recipes, creating a walk through archway, free form
sculpture, detailing and plastering basics. We will learn about dry-stack stone and
rammed tire foundations. All the while being fed with amazing local and organic food, ocean swims on our sunset beach, discussions on off grid Lasqueti life, an earthen building tour and more. Camping, accommodations, transportation and solar hot showers. Cost: Early birds registration by June 31st $475, full cost $550 everything included. For more information, inquires and registration, contact Colin at colinjames358 [at] gmail [dot] com


All the whereas being fed

All the whereas being fed with wonderful native and organic food, ocean swims on our sunset beach, discussions on off grid Lasqueti life, Associate in Nursing material building tour and additional

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