Sea Soil at Jessie's Path

Hello All,

A number of you have come to me with concerns about Sea Soil after viewing the excellent documentary "Salmon Confidential".  I too was concerned and followed up with the company and so I wanted to post the reply I received from them.

From Rick Fawkes Sea Soil Representative 

"We use wild fish  as well as fish farm fish but SEA SOIL is not affiliated with fish farms other than taking their waste byproduct which we are told is not diseased. 


A few things that our family has done to make sure SEA SOIL is safe is that we are now approved for use in Organic Growing by The Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) and which means SEA SOIL which is recognized in the United States and Canada.

This means that SEA SOIL has to be tested for heavy metals, e-coli and fecal coli forms that cannot exceed testing levels set by The Organic Materials Review Institute (O.M.R.I). It is a very thorough review process, which is done every three years.

We also compost SEA SOIL for two years at temperatures between 55 degrees Celsius and 80 degrees Celsius to make sure we have a safe and consistent product each year. 

There have been tests that were conducted at Olds Composting College in Alberta and when it comes to antibiotics they break down very quickly in light (and heat) and we aerate our soil regularly and thoroughly compost it as stated above. 

We are currently working on a new limited SEA SOIL product that will be made with 100% wild fish waste but a our process takes minimum two years. I hope this helps and please feel free to check back anytime. "  



Great to learn that the sea

Great to learn that the sea soil is safe is that we are now approved for use in Organic Growing by The Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI)

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