Event Date: 
Monday, February 18, 2013 - Friday, February 22, 2013

Because of big machines, grounds work, and tree falling, the Community Hall will be closed to all people until 5pm Monday-Friday this week. This includes the buildings, yard, woods, trails, and access roads. If by chance it's too windy to fall trees safely, this work will happen next week, but unless you hear that the plans have changed, expect that the Hall is off-limits to daytime use this week. 



Community hall while work is underway

If you are using the hall while the current grounds work is underway (outside work hours), for safety, please stay away from active work areas and off logs and branches. Please ensure children do not venture into active work areas.

big changes will be a huge improvement

The tree falling at the hall, and the work by excavators stacking the logs for later milling and piling the firewood and other debris, has made a big change at the hall. When you go there, please be expecting it, and be prepared for a shock.

As they were falling trees behind the hall, the crew (Shawn, BJ and Sheldon when I was there Wednesday afternoon) found more root rot than they expected, so more firs have come down than planned. Better that they come down in a controlled way than they fall over unexpectedly on their own. The hall is now safer from falling trees and forest fire. After the next phases of the work are done, it will be greatly improved, better organized, with more and different spaces, and over the next month and years, beautiful too.

In the meantime, if you use the hall you should know that the woodshed has been filled, and the dry wood is mostly inaccessible. There should be some dry kindling accessible under the tarp behind the woodshed, and the wet wood in the shed does burn well once the fire is going well.

The outhouses have been moved, and I don't know if they (or one of them) will be re-sited before this weekend, so come prepared to not be able to use them.

Many thanks to all the organizers and workers who are and will be doing this important community work, making the hall and its grounds safer and better for us all.

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