A message to the Community

I receive messages through the website from folks all over the world making a re-/connection with Lasqueti.  Here's one that is clearly intended to go out to the whole community...

"Just wanted to say that I lived in Akron, Ohio, USA and spent several weeks on Lasquiti in 1976, staying with, then residents, Alan & Bonnie DiFIORE. Alan & I produced entertainment for the Volunteer Fire Department's annual picnic. We called ourselves "The Lasquiti Island Opera Company" and performed an old mellodrama called "The Logger's Wife" for the residents, plus two singing acts: Bonnie & her two sisters, singing "Manhattan Transfer" songs and Richard RESSEGER sang Irish songs. I was the musical director & accompanist.

I feel in love with the island & it's friendly people. That visit will stay with me for the rest of my days.

Thanks for those wonderful memories. {:-)

Paul Alan Roth"
genzen1 [at] prodigy [dot] net

Sounds like something that could have happened over the summer Paul :-)  Seems our idea of entertainment hasn't much changed this past 35 years !!


Paul's posting

Thanks for this Paul, it was a legendary afternoon for sure. I still recall your great piano playing, the hilarious "Logger's Bride" (I still have a script somewhere), Howie Seigel's politically incorrect auction patter and his Christ on the cross comedy routine, Richard's incredible operatic tenor, no microphone but audible all the way to False Bay! What a day it was!!!

Paul's posting

Hello merrick,

Thanks so much for your response. I am honored that you remember me and our troupe! I'll never forget my stay there and the response from the island residents to our performances. Great memories.

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